Standard Windows Forms applications can be launched multiple times
and each instance used completely independently of the others. However,
sometimes it is important to restrict the user in launching a single
instance of a program.
The Process Class
The System.Diagnostics namespace contains a class namedProcess. This class contains functionality that
allows interrogation of the processes that are currently executing in
Microsoft Windows. The class can be used to determine if any other
instances of an application are running and, if one is, a decision can
be made to stop the current program.
Detecting Other Instances
To determine if another instance of a program is executing, twostatic
methods of the Process class are used. Firstly, a call to
the GetCurrentProcess method is made. This returns the current program's
process details including its name within the returned
object's ProcessName property.
Once the process name is known, the GetProcessesByName method can be
used to return an array of Process objects with one representing each
instance of the named software. This list includes the current program
so if there is more than one element in the array there must be other
running instances of the software.
Adding Detection to an Application
Using the two methods described, a simple test can be made within the
Main method of an application. The following C# code demonstrates this
by checking the number of matching processes and showing an error
message if another instance is active. The method is then simply
returned from to close the application. This is done before the main
form of the application is loaded.
static void Main()
// Detect existing instances
string processName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;
Process[] instances = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
if (instances.Length > 1)
MessageBox.Show("This application is already running.");
// End of detection Application.EnableVisualStyles();
Application.Run(new Form1());